Friday, December 29, 2006

Glad you made it

I'm glad you found us.

Surprised, but glad.

I've spent much of this week, off and on, trying to figure out what's wrong with our primary blog site. We started the process to migrate to the new version of Blogger. It has not gone well.

We have been unable to create, save and publish any new posts since Wednesday. So, until that gets sorted out and corrected, this will be our new blogging headquarters for the Capital Press.

Beyond all that mess, I have to admit I'm not too motivated to be working today. The year is about over. My alma mater, Oregon State, is playing in a college football bowl game today. And I am behind schedule on creating, editing and posting a new podcast.

I am interested to see what will happen with the FDA's announcement yesterday that food from cloned livestock would be safe to eat. Now there's a 90-day comment period on the documents FDA compiled on the issue. I expect a lot of foot stomping and tooth gnashing over that issue.

Is cloning a viable option for livestock producers to use regularly in managing their herds? Should it be? Is it just the next high-tech evolution of artificial insemination? Are there ethical worries in cloning animal for food? For any purpose?

It's gonna get interesting. What do you think?

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1 comment:

threecollie said...

Glad you are up and running here.I blogrolled the new site.
On cloning, I think that the usual suspects will whine and gnash as you suggested, but I expect that sound science will prevail. There was much ado about AI too and now it is the accepted norm.